HOPE Works is dedicated to supporting ALL survivors of sexual violence.

H.O.P.E. Works provided comprehensive victim services to 920 survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones from July 2017 to June 2018.  H.O.P.E. Works served 619 Vermonters who experience sexual assault and abuse directly; assisted 189 children who were exposed to this violence; and supported another 112 loved ones of survivors (family, friends, intimate partners, and roommates.)

Our dedicated staff and volunteers responded to 2,312 hotline and online hotline calls during the year, and an additional 727 in-person call-outs—providing support and assistance to survivors at the hospital, police stations, courthouse, and at other service organizations.

Of the survivors we assisted:


With which experiences of violence did HOPE Works support Vermonters?

Of the survivors who reached out for services…

  • 71% had survived a sexual assault;

  • 16% had experienced child sexual abuse;

  • 15% had experienced sexual abuse other than rape;

  • 10% had been stalked;

  • 6% had survived a drug-facilitated sexual assault;

  • 4% had experienced sexual harassment in school or in workforce;

  • 4% had been sex trafficked in Vermont

  • 3% had experienced an attempted rape.

Does H.O.P.E. Works work with vulnerable populations?

Many populations experience increased targeting by perpetrators. In the last year…

  • H.O.P.E. Works served 66 homeless survivors (half of this number were minors; many were homeless due to their victimization).

  • H.O.P.E. Works provided victim services to at least 65 UVM students. H.O.P.E. Works also worked with at least 12 Saint Michael’s College students and at least 17 Champlain College students (13 students did not wish to disclose which college they were attending). In total, we provided community-based victim support services to 107 college students in the last year.

H.O.P.E. Works staff provided support and advocacy to 56 LGBQQ and 17 transgender survivors of rape and sexual assault.